Who We Are?

Logistics which is one of the sectors achieving significant growth in the world and especially in our country is the service of being planned, applied, transported, storaged and controlled of the movement of every product, delivery service and information flow in supply chain from the starting point (source) to the final point (final consumer) to satisfy the needs of customers. In these premises, for great success, professional organization, an experienced team and communication aided human resource as well are required. Petek Warehousing Logistics provides service to meet personnel requirement in different departments for the companies that have a voice in their own areas in both domestic and foreign. It meets the demand for temporary, seasonal or project basis personnel who is kept out of the company’s permanent staff. Petek Warehousing Logistics carefully makes storage design, cleaning and all loading and unloading affairs across the country in the storehouse of the companies that we mention in the references. We, as Petek Warehousing Logistics, exist to be solution partner to logistics companies in our region and all Turkey.

Why Us?

Making the companies focus on the duties for their own staff more effectively rises coefficient of performance in their core business and thus the costs kept for equipment and system investment are reduced for Human Resources Department. We also give support to Accounting Department and put into practice payrolling service, Turkish Employment Organization, Social Insurance Institution, Medical visit form, Salary, Advance payment, Work accident and this kind of personnel affairs. Your all personnel requirements that constitute manufacturing issues of your factory are met by us. Personnel requirements intraday are speedily provided by us. We make personnel selection from our personnel pool in accordance with the company’s requirement considering characteristic of the stated job. We significantly achieve saving in personnel costs and on the other hand, we manage professionally risk management of the staff that the company outsources.

Our Priorities

To present the service that satisfies the customer’s all kinds of requirements and expectations via customer-focused approach.

To work based on understanding of patience and perpetuity and absolute customer satisfaction.

To preserve efficiency in perpetual and stable growing, to perpetuate improvement and to make no concessions on perfection.

To offer a better work environment to our customer’s staff because we are conscious of that the way to make our customer pleased comes from the happiness and contentment of the staff.

We are a foundation which is a leader in the sector in terms of quality, contributes economically to the country, conscious of responsibilities to the society and environment, regards sustainable performance as life principle and our target is to offer the services that provide the ultimate value added as the best solution partner to our customers and to provide absolute customer satisfaction.